Die WORLD MUSIC EXPO (WOMEX), die weltweit größte Musikmesse für Welt-, Roots-, ethnische, traditionelle und lokale Musik und Folk, lädt MusikerInnen, Bands und Interessierte ein, sich für ein Live-Showcase zu bewerben, bzw. Musikfilme und Diskussionsbeiträge einzureichen. Das Festival findet heuer vom 24. bis zum 28. Oktober in Las Palmas/Gran Canaria in Spanien statt. Die Einreichfrist läuft bis 16. März 2018.

Do you want the opportunity to perform in front of one of the largest audiences of global music professionals? Or screen your short film or documentary that portrays music, movements and history? Would you like a forum to present your vision, discuss your viewpoint, map out an idea or lay the foundation for moving the industry forward?

Jury-selected from proposals made by music professionals worldwide, the WOMEX programme is unparalleled in its diversity; spanning across all continents, from innovation to tradition, acoustic to electronic, inclusive of all sectors and expertise.

As the most diverse music meeting in the world, WOMEX reaches out to the world music community and also far beyond. Everyone active in music can turn in a proposal! Proposals can be made in four categories: Showcases, Club Summit, Film and Conference

Proposal Deadline is Friday, 16 March 2018


WOMEX 2018
WOMEX (Facebook)