Die achten VIENNA MUSIC BUSINESS RESEARCH DAYS finden in diesem Jahr vom 12. bis zum 14. September an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien statt. Behandelt und diskutiert wird heuer das Thema „Unchaining the Digital Music?“. Die Wiener Tage der Musikwirtschaftsforschung setzen sich zum Ziel, WissenschafterInnen aus allen Disziplinen und PraktikerInnen aus dem Musikbusiness einmal im Jahr in Wien zu versammeln, um sich über aktuelle Fragen und neueste Ergebnisse der Musikwirtschaftsforschung auszutauschen.

This year’s conference topic is “Unchaining the Digital Music?”. Digitization has brought music streaming to the centre of the music industry’s value-added network and new gatekeeping processes have been established by new and “old” players of music business.

The morning session of the the invited conference day on September 14, therefore, will focus on new gatekeeping process in the digital business with a introductory talk by Daniel Nordgård of University of Agder/Norway and a panel discussion with Sally Gross (Westminster University, London), Sarita Stewart (Mike Curb College of Entertainment & Music Business, Belmont University Nashville/USA), Scott Cohen (The Orchard, London and New York), Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (International Music Managers Forum, London) moderated by Daniel Nordgård.

George Musgrave of the University of Westminster in London will wrap up the panel discussion with his talk on  “Control and Autonomy in the Digital Music Business” providing a model for new gatekeeping processes in the digital music industry.

In the afternoon session the keynotes by Paul Crick (Senior Managing Consultant, Digital Transformation, Media & Entertainment, IBM, Flintham/UK) and Wolfgang Senges (Strategic Consultant in Digital Media, ContentSphere, Berlin) will explain the fundamentals of blockchain technology and how it could disrupt the music industry again. Please read my blogpost “The Music Business in the Blockchain” to learn more about the impact of blockchain technology In the following panel discussion both keynote speakers will discuss the question “Unchaining the Digital Music Business?” by new technologies such as the blockchain with Carlotta de Ninni (Mycelia for Music Foundation, London), Kelly Snook (Professor of Media Arts Technology, University of Brighton/UK), Peter Harris (resonate, Berlin).

On September 12, the VMBR-Days 2017 will traditionally be opened by the  Young Scholars’ Workshop. Master and PhD students from Austria, Barbados, Canada, Germany, Serbia and South Africa will present their research result in a closed workshop to an international group of highly regarded music business researchers.

The next conference day on Sep. 13 will be devoted to a broad range of music business research papers submitted by academics from all around the globe.


Sep. 12th, 2017, 09:00-17:00: Young Scholars’ Workshop

Large Conference Room at the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria)
Find the workshop’s program here:

Sep. 13th, 2017, 09:00-18:00: Conference Track Day

Joseph Haydn Hall and Large Conference Room at the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria)

The following papers were accepted by the program committee:

  • Brown, Steven C. (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK): Illegal music downloading: A psychologist tells some tales
  • Burchard, Jason (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK): Conceptualizing an entrepreneurial growth model of the 21st century music industry
  • Carugno, Giovanna (University of Campania, Italy): Copyright protection and choreographies: New issues, old solutions?
  • Cuadrado-García, Manuel; González-Casal, Pablo & Montoro-Pons, Juan D. (University of Valencia, Spain): Music education and music genres preference: An exploratory research with young people
  • Flath, Beate (University of Paderborn, Germany): Festivals in rural regions: An empirical study on value creation processes through the example of the Orange Blossom Special Festival (OBS)
  • Karjalainen, Toni-Matti (Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland): Distributed team leadership in a rock band – curing the discordant alliance of creativity and business?
  • Lenten, Liam (La Trope University Melbourne, Australia) & McKenzie, Jordan (Macquarie University Sydney, Australia): “The times they are a-changin’”: On the ephemeral nature of music polls
  • Luck, Geoff (University of Jyväskylä, Finland): Relationships between music preferences, demographics and listening habits across five key markets
  • Marshall, Lee & Haynes, Jo (University of Bristol, UK): Beats and tweets: Social media in the careers of independent musicians
  • Montoro-Pons, Juan D. & Cuadrado-García, Manuel (University of Valencia, Spain): Assessing the impact of headlining a music festival
  • Morrow, Guy (Macquarie University Sydney, Australia): Agile management strategies within the music industries: Artist management and the problem of creative labour
  • Peres da Silva, Glaucia (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany): Discussing value in the music economy – notes on economic and aesthetic values of music occupation
  • Prey, Robert (University of Groningen, The Netherlands): The quantified artist: The musician after datafication
  • Quack, Sigrid & Hondros, Konstantin (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany): Transforming regulatory uncertainty in musical creativity? Legal professionals’ practices in the music business
  • Richerts, Damaris (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria) & Boubela, Roland N. (Medical University Vienna, Austria): “I hear with my little ear” – a case study investigating implications for audience development strategies induced by cross cultural music perception differences
  • Senges, Wolfgang (ContentSphere, Berlin, Germany): Blockchain for music business: Preventing the threat of disruption by transition management
  • Stewart, Sarita M. (Belmont University, Nashville, US): The use of the artist-fan engagement model as a strategy tool
  • Tronvoll, Bård & Haampland, Ola (Hedmark University of Applied Sciences, Elverum, Norway): Music digital streaming – the formation of listening experience
  • Valiati, Leandro & da Silva, Pedro Perfeito (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil): Digitization, creative industries and global value chain: An analysis about music industry in Brazil
  • Wiesener, Oliver (Stuttgart Media University, Germany): Gender-specific music preferences at video ads

Sep. 14th, 2017, 09:00-17:30: Invited Conference Day

Joseph Haydn Hall and Large Conference Room at the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria)

09:00-09:30: WELCOME

09:30-10:15: Daniel Nordgård (University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway): “New Gatekeeping Processes in the Digital Music Business”

10:15-11:15: Panel discussion on “New Gatekeeping Processes in the Digital Music Business”: Sally Gross (Westminster University, London), Sarita Stewart (Mike Curb College of Entertainment & Music Business, Belmont University Nashville/USA), Scott Cohen (The Orchard, London and New York), Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (International Music Managers Forum, London) moderated by Daniel Nordgård

11:15-11:45: COFFEE BREAK

11:45-12:45: George Musgrave (Westminister University, London): Control and Autonomy in the Digital Music Business

12:45-14:00: LUNCH BREAK

14:00-14:45: Keynote 1 by Paul Crick (Senior Managing Consultant, Digital Transformation, Media & Entertainment, IBM, Flintham/UK): “The Applications of Blockchain Technology in the Music Business”

14:45-15:30: Keynote 2 by Wolfgang Senges (Strategic Consultant in Digital Media, ContentSphere, Berlin): “The Benefits and Challenges of Blockchain Technology in the Music Business”

15:30-16:00: COFFEE BREAK

16:00-17:30: Panel discussion “Unchaining the Digital Music Business?” with Carlotta de Ninni (Mycelia for Music Foundation, London), Kelly Snook (Professor of Media Arts Technology, University of Brighton/UK), Peter Harris (resonate, Berlin), Paul Crick (Senior Managing Consultant IBM, Flintham/UK) moderated by Wolfgang Senges (ContentSphere, Berlin)

17:30: Awarding the young scholars’ workshop best paper


Registration Fee

The registration fee includes conference attendance, reception, coffee breaks and lunch on conference days as well as the Heurigen-Dinner on September 14, 2017.

Registration fee – early bird (until July 31, 2017): 175,- Euro

Registration fee: 225,- Euro

End of registration (no refund after this date): August 31, 2017

Get your ticket at Eventbrite.



Dagmar Abfalter (mailto:
Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM)
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-71155-3418  /  Fax: +43-1-71155-3499

Vienna Music Business Research Days