smallforms: open call 2023

smallforms is a platform and music label for contemporary and experimental forms of music based in Vienna. smallforms seek to support musicians whose music require an attitude of listening. The monthly concert series takes place in cooperation with the art space Château Rouge in Vienna and is curated by Alisa Beck and Gustavo Petek. For the year 2023 (February – December) we are looking for new proposals to be presented live as part of our annual programme — with the option to apply also for an additional recording-session on the same day, which will be published on digital platforms via our label.

Who can apply?

The call is open for musicians, sound artists and performers/performative formats dealing with sound. We are especially looking for diverse approaches to live situations, and public encounter. The call focusses on proposals that expand formula of working with sound and music, joyfully explore various notions of voice, noise and instrumental and move beyond commodifying logics in music-making.

How to apply?

Please send the following material:

  1. audio and video links.
  2. short text (max. 600 caracters!) about your proposal.
  3. short cvs of all participants.

In case of interest of live act + recording session, please let us know in the application.

1 – 4 artists / proposal
payment: 290 Euro / person
ca. 30 – 60min / live set

Deadline: 18. Dezember 2022

