Open Call – impuls Minute.Concerts looking for musicians

Zum bereits 15. Mal lädt IMPULS mit den „impuls MinutenKonzerten“ zu einem akustischen wie visuellen Rundgang durch Grazer Galerien ein. Junge Musiker:innen und/oder Studierende (die derzeit in Österreich oder Umgebung leben) sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, sich 2024 zu beteiligen – mit Werke/n des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts oder einem Konzept für ein improvisiertes Stücke (ein Vorschlag/ein spezifisches Werk ist völlig ausreichend, es können aber mehrere Vorschläge eingereicht werden). Die Musik- und Galerietour 2024 startet am 25. Mai um 10 Uhr und wird in ca. 1,5-stündigen Intervallen sukzessive in Grazer Galerien (u.a. Grazer Kunstverein, kunst.wirt.schaft, esc medien kunst labor, MUWA, Forum Stadtpark und anderen Orten) bis spät in die Nacht hinein stattfinden. Dadurch bietet sich die Möglichkeit, sich mit Künstler:innen, Musiker:innen, Galerist:innen, Kurator:innen, Kunstfreund:innen und anderen Mitmenschen auszutauschen, und Musik und Kunst in einem neuen Zusammenspiel zu erleben.

Young musicians and/or students (due to organizational and cost-related reasons currently living in Austria or close by) are invited to participate in 2024. The music and gallery tour 2024 starts on May 25th at 10 a.m. and will, in approx. 1,5-hour intervals, be played successively in galleries in Graz (such as Grazer Kunstverein, kunst.wirt.schaft, esc medien kunst labor, MUWA, Forum Stadtpark and other places) until late night. The exact schedule for arrival and short rehearsals on spot right before the actual performance, as well as further information about the preceding workshops, is still to be announced and discussed individually on acceptance.

Short info on the impuls MinuteConcert-format

  • The approximate concert length per gallery is about 30-40 minutes hosting however several programs presented by different musicians/formations.
  • The program is focused completely on modern classical, new and contemporary music, improvisational and conceptual works are considered as well of course.
  • Hereby each contribution should not be much longer than approximately 8-10 minutes maximum, shorter pieces than that are welcome alike.
  • Due to spatial restrictions, the formations should be in the range of solo to quartet. Larger formations, as well as those including percussion instruments and special technical equipment (unless provided by the artists themselves anyway), must be discussed with and agreed upon by impuls beforehand.
  • Unfortunately there are no pianos available in the galleries.

To get a better understanding for the format of the impuls MinuteConcerts you might also want to have a look at programs of former editions – e.g. on

To be submitted

  • Contact information (name, address, telephone, e-mail address)
  • Short biography
  • Instrument information / technical requests if any
  • Program proposal: Works of the 20th and 21st century or concepts for improvisation – as there will be many musicians involved, also one proposal/one specific work is sufficient, more suggestions are welcome though. Please name the composer, work title, year and duration of each work. If it is not a solo piece, it is necessary to also name your co-musician(s) (please make sure beforehand, that they also agree to join the project and include their contact info such as e-mail and phone).
  • if available: link to recording(s) from you / your formation (be it the work(s) as suggested or any other recording of preferably 20th and 21st century works respectively improvisations)

Send all required information and documents at the latest by February 12th, 2024 to:

impuls offers

  • prior to main event: an individual free workshop for each participant/formation (led by Dimitrios Polisoidis and Gerald Preinfalk, members of Klangforum Wien) in Graz as well as in Vienna (optional days in Vienna: 21-23.3.2024 + in Graz: 18-20.4.2024) prior to the MinuteConcerts, with the objective of getting to know each other, working on the suggested and already prepared pieces, offering professional feedback and support, selection, concert preparation
  • a “different kind of” podium, advertisement, media presence and organization…
  • a modest compensation for performing as well as, according to the arrangement, a contribution to trip and lodging, where really needed
  • a chance to be selected also for a further presentation at the Festival Brücken/Kunsthaus Mürz (14.6.2024) and Wellenklaenge/Lunz am See (14.7.2024)

For further information, please contact
Ute Pinter per e-mail:



impuls (Website)
impuls MinutenKonzerte (Vorschau 2024)