Bewirb dich für ein MEWEM GOLDEN TICKET

Acht junge Unternehmerinnen aus der Musikwirtschaft aus sechs verschiedenen Ländern (Frankreich, Spanien, Rumänien, Deutschland, Österreich und Belgien) bekommen vier Golden Tickets für professionelle Events in und außerhalb von Europa. Ein Ticket erhält ein*e Kandidat*in aus Österreich.

The MEWEM Golden Ticket will give the selected applicant free access to international professional festivals where they can pitch their own projects, expand new ideas, develop their business and meet future partners with a high-level network.


  • Each applicant will get 4 tickets for the festivals they choose, including accommodation, transport and per diems.
  • To make sure these festivals are a success, they will receive a training at the first event (Primavera Pro) to provide them with tips, tricks and ideas to approach professionals and companies in these conventions.
  • On site ambassadors, mentors and partners from MEWEM Europa, will meet with mentees to facilitate the connections and build confidence.
  • This ticket will allow them to join a very powerful community of women working in the music industry: they’ll get the support from their local and international MEWEM network, connecting them with former mentees and mentors as well as other organizations involved in Spotify EQUAL
  • Projects developed during this program will be presented at professional events and panels (by MEWEM partners).
  • They’ll get the possibility of travelling outside of Europe in case their project is aimed to a more global audience.


We aim to represent the different professions in the music sector to be as representative as possible to the value chain, while also representing the new trends. Recorded music, digital distribution, management, tech, live music, branding, marketing, etc.

Profile and criteria:

  • Identify as a woman or non-binary (FLINTA*)
  • Have an entrepreneurial project in the music sector.
  • Be available during the project period to travel throughout Europe
  • Be bilingual (English + other first language at least).
  • Have a precise and realistic business plan.
  • The originality and relevance of the project will also be highly valued.
  • Availability at the Kick-Off Event at Primavera Pro on the 8th of June in Barcelona (June 6 – 9 Primavera Pro – Barcelona, Spain. First meeting and networking + elevator pitch workshop + photo shooting.)


Applicants are free to propose new festivals not included in the list (in and outside of Europe). Even though the Golden Ticket is thought to provide 4 passes, it can be possible to exchange 2 passes in Europe for 1 outside of Europe in case it’s interesting for their project.

In every partner festival there will be a MEWEM Networking meeting called “Cheers”, where they can use the already built community to exchange ideas, get feedback and feel supported by other professional women. Every organization within Spotify EQUAL interested can also be involved in these networking meetings.

  • Waves – Vienna (Austria)
  • BIME Bogotá – Bogotá (Colombia)
  • Fluvial – Santiago de Chile (Chile)
  • We Love Green Festival – Paris (France)
  • MaMA Festival – Paris (France)
  • Reeperbahn – Hamburg (Germany)
  • Linecheck – Milan (Italy)
  • MIL – Lisbon (Portugal)
  • WOMEX Festival – Lisbon (Portugal)
  • MMB – Bucharest (Romania)
  • Sweden Rock – Norje (Sweden)
  • Future Echoes –
  • Norrköping
  • (Sweden)
  • BIME – Bilbao (Spain)
  • Primavera Pro – Barcelona (Spain)
  • Monkey Pro – Seville (Spain)
  • Eurosonic – Groningen (The Netherlands)
  • The Great Escape – Brighton (UK)
  • Liverpool Sound City – Liverpool (UK)
  • SIM São Paulo
  • Bangkok Music City
  • Visa for Music (Africa, tbh)

*in bold festivals that are already MEWEM partners

Send a descriptive and concise application (in English) for the project you want to bring internationally to Regina Fisch  DEADLINE: 17 APRIL 2022

Make sure to

  • Justify your motivation for applying
  • Add a description of the project you want to bring internationally (label, agency, music brand etc.)
  • Preliminarily select events that you would be interested in and why (this can still be changed along the way)
  • Describe your overall goal and how the Golden Ticket would benefit you

Max. 2 A4 Pages + Links and other relevant material.

We are looking forward to your application!
Instagram: @mewemeuropa
Facebook: @mewemeuropa