International Vocal Competition ’s-Hertogenbosch 2016

Die 51. Ausgabe der INTERNATIONAL VOCAL COMPETITION mit ihrem Sitz in der niederländischen Stadt Hertogenbosch in Nordbrabant, wird zwischen 8. bis 17. September 2016. Die International Vocal Competition umfasst Oratorium und Kunstlied wie auch Oper – mit einem wesentlichen Schwerpunkt auf das 20. Jahrhundert und die Gegenwart.

Die IVC bietet Sängerinnen und Sängern die Gelegenheit, vor einer internationalen Jury aufzutreten, in der künstlerisch Leitende, KonzertmanagerInnen, Impresarios, MedienvertreterInnen vertreten sind. Masterclasses, Feedback von den Jurymitgliedern, Unterkunft bei Gastfamilien wind Teil dessen, was den Wettbewerb zu einer einmaligen und international beachteten Veranstaltung macht. Das Preisgeld liegt in Summe bei 45.000 Euro, zahlreiche Würdigungspreise werden vergeben. Die IVC richtet sich an SängerInnen aller Nationalitäten.

The 51st IVC 2016  offers two categories: Opera | Oratorio and Lied Duo. Lieder contestants will be judged as singer/accompanist duos. Separate  international juries for both categories include prominent singers as Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Jennifer Larmore, Elly Ameling and Sergei Leiferkus.  Candidates for the 51st International Vocal Competition can apply for the Preliminary Rounds in the Netherlands, Italy or via YouTube or DVD recording. The first Preliminary Rounds will take place in the Amsterdam Conservatory on November 20 and 21, 2015. The deadline to apply for the first Preliminary Round in Amsterdam is 1 November 2015. Jury members for the Preliminary Rounds in Amsterdam are Mya Besselink, vocal pedagogue, Brian Matsuda, pianist, coach, Marien van Nieukerken, pianist, artistic director International Student Lied Duo Competition Enschede, Roger Smeets, baritone, teacher Conservatory Maastricht, Carolyn Watkinson, mezzo-soprano, teacher Codarts Conservatory Rotterdam and Annett Andriesen (chair), mezzo-soprano, general manager IVC, teacher Conservatorium van Amsterdam.

Preliminary Rounds
Theater aan de Parade ’s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
20 & 21 November 2015: Amsterdam Conservatory, Netherlands
27 & 28 May 2016: Theater aan de Parade, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
25 June 2016: Teatro Maria Caniglia, Sulmona, Italy
In partnership with the Centre for Opera Studies in Sulmona (

Candidates resident outside the Netherlands, Belgium or Germany may also participate in the Preliminary Rounds via YouTube or DVD recording

About the International Vocal Competition

  • The International Vocal Competition ’s-Hertogenbosch (IVC) was founded in 1954. Since then, it has been the only international classical singing competition in the Netherlands to focus on oratorios and lieder as well as opera. There is also a significant focus on 20th-century music and an obligatory composition work is commissioned for each competition. The IVC is a unique institution in the performing arts world and has close links with the Province of Noord-Brabant and ’s-Hertogenbosch.
  • The IVC is one of the world’s premier international classical singing competitions. As such, it functions as a cultural showpiece for the Netherlands. The IVC is a member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions (WFIMC).
  • The IVC combines its support for vocal music with the discovery and development of talented young musicians. The IVC has what it describes as ‘Triple-D status’: Discovery, Development and Delivery. Discovery during the competition; development through master classes held by well-known singers who can transmit their knowledge and skills, training weeks, summer schools and media training; and delivery to impresarios and the management of concerts, opera companies and festivals in the IVC’s network. The juries for both the Preliminary Rounds and the Competition itself are made up of a combination of well-known singers and representatives from the opera and concert world. During the 50th IVC in 2014, for example, the International Jury included the soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, the soprano Elly Ameling, the tenor Siegfried Jerusalem, the conductor Kenneth Montgomery, the pianist Graham Johnson, the former intendant of the Vienna State Opera Ioan Holender, and the impresario Pieter Alferink, among others.
  • The IVC wants to be a meeting place for everyone who works in the music world, and vocal music in particular. The IVC offers participants the opportunity to attend all the rounds of the Competition as listeners. Participation in the competition can be a defining moment in a talented young singer’s career.
  • The IVC wants to help young singers with problems they may encounter early in their careers, and function as an institute that people can return to for career advice.
  • The IVC takes excellent care of participating singers. During the Competition, for example, space is made available for warming up and rehearsing with accompanying pianists. Participants also have plenty of time to present themselves during the various rounds. Three or four works are sung in every round.
  • The IVC looks after the candidates by accommodating them in host families and making them feel truly at home.
  • The IVC also looks after the candidates after the Competition. The IVC gives the stars of the future a foot on the ladder that will take them to the Concertgebouw, the Dutch National Opera and international venues. Laureates have the opportunity to perform at concerts.
  • The IVC has functioned as a springboard for many internationally renowned singers, who have always maintained close ties with the competition. Many of them are ambassadors for the IVC and contribute to the IVC’s activities. Prize-winners during the last 60 years have included Elly Ameling, Measha Brueggergosman, Cora Burggraaf, John Bröcheler, Viorica Cortez, Illeana Cotrubas, Ilse Eerens,  Maria Fieselier,  Andrew Haji, Thomas Hampson, Howard Haskin, Robert Holl, Nadine Koutcher, Petra Lang, Yvonne Minton, Nelly Miricioiu, Jard van Nes, Yevgeny Nesterenko, Lenneke Ruiten, Rosanne van Sandwijk, Henk Smit, Elzbieta Szmytka, Sophie Koch, Pretty Yende, Hansung Yoo.
  • Since 2007 the director of the IVC has been the mezzo-soprano Annett Andriesen, herself a prize-winner at the IVC.
  • The 51st IVC will be held from 8-17 September 2016 at the Theater aan de Parade in ’s-Hertogenbosch.