Call: Night of the organ

“In some souls energy grows like a pearl in a shell. … Those who have energy produce unconsciously.” Zsigmond Móricz

The aim of the competition: The organ is considered to be the “queen of instruments”, yet its wide-ranging potential and true value are still little known. The Filharmonia Hungary promotes the instrument and its literature to the public through a series of events. One of the program highlights is the Night of the Organ, which takes place every year on the first Saturday of the last month of the summer and is the opening event of the OrganPoint series, which includes almost 100 concerts throughout the country.

The aim of the competition is to find a contemporary composition which can be performed at all the events of the Nights of the Organ program series. The winning compositions will be premiered at the opening event on 6 August 2022, and will be presented to the public and profession at the events of the Filharmonia OrganPoint concert series.

Who can apply: Hungarian or foreign natural persons or companies may apply.

Composition of the application:

  • composition for solo organ
  • On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Zoltán Kodály, we welcome entries that in some way evoke the rich legacy of the composer.(e.g. stylistic inspiration – “hommage” or use of folk music sources. However, the use of specific musical passages is not permitted.)
  • Duration: minimum 2 minutes, maximum 4 minutes
  • Nature of the music: an overture or a movement of a larger-scale work to match the Night of the Organs event (The applicant should indicate which movement of the work is for submission. The jury will compare these indicated overture-like movements of 2-4 minutes length).
  • Form: no restrictions
  • Instrument used: it should also be playable on 2 manual pedal organs

Terms and conditions of the application:

  • An applicant may submit more than one composition
  • A single composition or a single movement of a larger composition of several movements may also be submitted
  • The composition submitted must not be: a previously performed or published work (sound recording, sheet music) or a composition submitted for another competition
  • The prize-winning author undertakes to produce a manual version (pedal-less organ) and organ plus any instrument or vocal transcription, to be completed and submitted by 1 May 2022 without remuneration, as a condition for the award of the prize.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • Application form
  • Sheet music: pdf format, maximum 5MB
    • Please include the following information on the sheet music: name of the composer, title of the work, length of the work, tempo and other performance instructions
    • Sample filename: ouverture_kotta.pdf
    • Illegible, scanned manuscripts will not be accepted
  • Summary text: pdf format, maximum 1 MB
    • A few sentences – maximum 1500 characters, with spaces – about the piece, the background of its creation, the recommended age range, and anything else the Applicant considers important.
    • Sample file name: ouverture_szoveg.pdf
  • Audio file: mp3 format, maximum 10MB
    • Please also attach the work as a sound file
    • File name as: ouverture.mp3
    • Bad quality sound file will not be accepted

The score, the sound recording, the summary text and the filename submitted must all include the name of the Applicant.
The applicant agrees, that the work submitted for this competition may be performed without any extra fees, on 6 August 2022 as part of the Night of the Organs program, or at the OrganPoint concerts in August 2022.
Scheduled date and venue of the premiere concert: 6 August 2022, at the Night of Organs event organised by the Filharmonia Hungary.

Language of the application: Hungarian

Submission of applications: applications must be submitted electronically, together with the Application Form and the required attachments, to the following e-mail address:

Contact person: Lajos Szilágyi (e-mail:

Deadline for the receipt of the application materials: 30 March 2022, 24.00 CET

Deadline of evaluation: 15 April 2022.

Form of support: non-repayable grant.

Submission of incomplete applications: no changes may be made to submitted applications, failure to submit any part of the application will invalidate the application, and no submissions may be made after the deadline.

The application is invalid if:

  • it does not meet the conditions of the call for proposals
  • the application form is incomplete or contains incorrect information
  • it is submitted after the deadline

Entry fee: none.

Evaluation of applications:

Filharmonia Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. will evaluate the applications with a professional board of trustees.
Applicants will be notified of the decision by e-mail by 15 April 2022 at the latest, and the list of applicants selected by the Board of Trustees will be published on the website of Filharmonia Hungary at
The jury reserves the right not to award or share any prizes. The decision of the jury is final and cannot be appealed or challenged in any forum.


1st prize gross 400.000 HUF (1 080 EURO)
2nd prize gross 200.000 HUF (540 EURO)
3rd prize. gross 100.000 HUF (270 EURO)

(The value of the prize in Euros may change according to the exchange rate fluctuations.)

The funding is provided by Filharmonia Hungary Nonprofit Ltd.

Organiser: Filharmonia Hungary Nonprofit Ltd.

There is no appeal from the decision.

The application call can be downloaded from the website of Filharmonia Hungary
