Ausschreibung: impuls Minutenkonzerte

impuls is looking for musicians for impuls MinuteConcerts . Walk through Galleries with music on
Saturday, June 25th, 2022. All-day event in various galleries in Graz. Prior to main event: free workshop with Klangforum Wien musicians in Graz and Vienna.

To be submitted (until March 31st, 2022 to

  • Contact information (name, address, telephone, e-mail address)
  • Short biography
  • Instrument information
  • Program proposal: Works of the 20th and 21st century or concepts for improvisation – as there will be many musicians involved, also one proposal/1 work is sufficient, more suggestions are welcome though. Please name the composer, work title, year and duration of each work. If it is not a solo piece, it is necessary to also name your co-musicians (please make sure they also agree to join the project and include their contact infos such as e-mail and phone).
  • if available: link to recordings (be it the works as suggested or any other recording of preferably 20th and 21st century works respectively improvisations)

At the latest, shortly after the participation in the free workshops in May 2022 (optional days in Vienna: May 2 + 5 + 9 + in Graz: May 6 + 7), a selection for the final program will be made by impuls and the workshop management and further procedure discussed with musicians.

impuls offers:

  • prior to the MinuteConcerts an individual free workshop for each participant/formation (led by Dimitrios Polisoidis and Gerald Preinfalk, members of Klangforum Wien) in Graz as well as in Vienna.
    Objective: getting to know each other, working on the suggested and already prepared pieces, corrections and professional feedback, selection, concert preparation.
    Date options: May 2 + 5 + 9 in Vienna + May 6 + 7 in Graz.
  • a “different kind of” podium, advertisement, media presence and organization…
  • a modest compensation for performing as well as, according to the arrangement, a contribution to trip and lodging, where really needed.

Some infos on the impuls MinuteConcert-format
impuls ( is, for the 12th time, hosting a full-day gallery tour with short concerts (with free entry). Over the years, the format has received tremendously positive responses from audiences and the press, alike, as well as from the participating artists themselves, and has become a popular fixture in Graz’s music scene.

Young musicians and/or students (due to organizational and cost-related reasons, currently living in Austria or close by) are again invited to participate in 2022.

The music and gallery tour 2022 starts on June 25th at around 10 a.m. and will, in approx. 1,5-hour intervals, be played successively in galleries in Graz (such as kunst.wirt.schaft, MUWA, < rotor >, Forum Stadtpark and other places). The exact schedule for arrival and short rehearsals on spot right before the actual performance, as well as further information about the preceding workshops is still tba. The approximate concert length per gallery is about 30-35 minutes hosting several program points. The concerts in each gallery therefor consist of several short contributions by different musicians/formations. The compositions are to be selected from the fields of modern classical, new and contemporary music, besides also improvisational works can be considered. Due to spatial restrictions, the formations should be in the range of solo to quartet. Larger formations, as well as those including percussion instruments and special technical equipment (unless provided by the artists themselves), must be discussed with and agreed upon by impuls beforehand. Unfortunately there are no pianos available in the galleries.

For further information, please contact:
Ute Pinter per E-Mail:

We happily can send you former programs of impuls MinuteConcerts as well as further information, if needed.

Or for ongoing news and the latest information, sign up for the NEWSLETTER. (Please register on the homepage or via e-mail:

We look forward to your proposals – Thank you!
